But if you read Psalm 24:1 it says "The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” This includes money. It is the Lords; we’re just the managers of it. If we think we own our money we’ll use it for our own purposes, but the truth is it has your name on it, but God owns it. So what are you using it for?
Stanley said money was never meant to be an idol or a tool of power, prominence or prestige. It’s simply a medium of exchange. It can’t buy you peace, love, joy, forgiveness or eternal life. These are the things we actually want in life – they will make us happier than power and popularity and possessions. And we can have all of these because Jesus bought them for us with His life. His life!! Not silver and gold but His life. How amazing is that!!
Stanley gave some wisdom on how to manage and acquire money.
First of all and most importantly he says you need to work for it. “Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest.” Exodus 34:21. He said we shouldn’t sit around doing nothing and wait for the Government to give us money. We need to go out there and get jobs and work hard for the money we earn. He also talked about investing your money, accept money as gifts and saving your money, but his main focus was on working for it.
It can be hard to not be envious of other people’s money and to not compare how much you have with them. Maybe God is seeing how faithful you are with a small amount before he gives you more. God wants us to be generous with our money, to use it to glorify Him. There is a lot of talk out there about tithing and whether you have to give 10% of your money to the church. I’m not saying I agree or disagree, but I believe it is important to be giving towards God’s work, such as in the offering at church.
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