About this Blog

Who we are?
We are two young women who are learning to live every aspect of our lives for Jesus Christ. Emily is in her last year of a social science degree at Charles Sturt University and Hannah is in her second year of a graphic pre press (design) apprenticeship. We are soon going to be sisters-in-law! Both Hannah and Emily are the female bible study leaders for our groups and are trying to think of new ways to encourage and lead not just on Thursday nights but everyday. 

We don't want to pretend that we have all the answers, because we are far from that! We would love to hear from you and for you to help and encourage us on this walk too. 

Why this blog?
We decided to start this blog so we could have conversations with each other about life, church, faith, bible study and prayer. We want to encourage you to add your prayer points to the comments box so we can pray for you in whatever situation. If you don’t want it to be public we are both happy to share our email addresses if you haven’t already got them. 

Why the name? 
We chose the name ‘galatians 2:20’, because we loved the idea of Christ living in us, and our body-lives lived by faith in Jesus Christ who loves us with an incredible love. The description of no longer living but Christ living in us is a great reason why we should do everything for Him. It’s not our works that will save us, but our faith in Him, and because of that faith and all that He has done for us we give Him the glory and show Him honour by living for Him.

We hope that you will travel through the ups and downs of life with us as we learn to follow Jesus Christ, trust in His word, talk to Him and be encouraged by one another. 


  1. Dear Hannah & Emily,
    What a wonderful way to encourage and support other!I would like to send a request for you to pray for a young woman at our church who is moving to your area...and will be teaching at Kelso High School. Her name is Sophie and she is going to attend the presbyterian church in Bathurst.Pray for a good connection with Gods people or her and also for wisdom in her new placement in the high school. Hannah, I gave her your mum & dads phone number as a contact.Hope your christmas is one of many blessings for when you give & for when you receive. Grace & peace Claire xx

  2. Hi Claire. Thanks so much for being the first to comment on our blog :) Will definitely be looking out for Sophie at church in the new year. Hope you guys have a great Christmas. Hannah

  3. Hey hey what a neat idea ladies!! I have found less and less time to reflect on God's wonders as I get caught up in work. One of my dementia clients the other morning told me he had a vision and with amazing clarity told me the gospel message and the importance of Christ's birth. He outlined Chrit's amazing grace stating; 'I am sharing this with you because God shared it with me, so you may know the great gift we are given.. be encouraged' Haha :):) let us be encouraged God is in ALL things!! and God uses everyone!! society may write people off but God surely does not! He uses us in our weakness..

    This is a clip I was showed in re. to discipling take a look;)
